Memory Monday

My 1st Memory Monday is being brought to you (albeit late) by Running2Ks.

When I was a little girl, my dad drove ambulance for a metropolitan hospital near-by our home in Minneapolis. When he would work on the weekends, Mom and I (and my brother, Mark, after he came along) would go meet him for breakfast. Usually it would be at some place like Perkins or Country Kitchen and would include his partner or other co-workers. Afterwards, Dad took me out to the ambulance, and remember this was in the days before seatbelts, would let me ride back to the hospital with him, sitting on his lap or next to him on the front seat. When we got back, he would let me play with the lights, sirens and horns. He would then sometimes tour us around the hospital. In this particular hospital, they had a daycare. Inside the daycare, built into the floor, was a room-sized sandbox. It was the coolest thing and they would let me play there sometimes. I have since been back to that hospital, and they no longer have the sandbox and I don’t even think that they have the daycare, either. It only exists in my memories.

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