Today’s Stuff

Today, I have a lot of stuff happening.

I start my new job today. I start at 2:00 this afternoon, but my last daycare child isn’t done until 4:30 this afternoon, so technically my 2 jobs will overlap and Jason is going to cover me by watching the baby for the last 2-3 hours. I am a little nervous about my job. I haven’t worked outside the home for 6+ years. I am excited about it, too. Imagine having most of your conversation with people who are under 5 years old for the better part of 6 years. I really long for a little more. Maybe that is part of the reason I started blogging. I needed to feel like a grown up with grown up interests and conversations and blogging has given me that and much more.

That brings me to the next thing. I am the new hostess of Monday Memories. Many of you know Running2Ks and if you do, you know that she has decided to hang up her blogging pen. The blogging world will miss her, but she is doing what is best for her family. Congratulations on your decision, R2ks. Thanks for trusting me with your baby. She still is looking for someone to pick up the Thankful Thursday torch. If you are interested, you can find information regarding that on her blog, True Blue Semi-Crunchy Mama. There will be linkage in my sidebar that you can use for the Monday Memories button and/or code. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will try to answer them as best I can. If you want to be added to the blogroll, again, let me know and I will add you. Thanks for your patience during my Monday Memories rookie period.

My friend, Whiskey, is having his 100th post today. Since he so graciously shared his day with me when he was Michele’s site of the day and it was my 100th post, I felt like I should at least give him some linky love right back. So please head on over to Whiskey Talking and tell him that Shelli sent you to congratulate him.

And, finally, please don’t forget about Annika. Scroll down and read my Thursday Thirteen post if you haven’t already. If you have, thank you for thinking about her. If you want to know how you can help, click on this button:

Thank you!

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